Gifts in Tribute

In Memory of Scott Adams
The Candlelighter’s Class

In Memory of Mospy Andrews
Wayne Andrews, Mopsy’s grandchildren
Nell Auchter
Nancy Blackmon
Eloise and Tom Byrd    
The Candlelighter’s Class
Marilyn Caul
Deborah and Wayne Culver
Harry Dillashaw              
Cathy Frank
Lynn Gissel
Judy Glasford
Nina Hanks
Virginia and Edward Holland
Thana Kemper
Dorothy Kilpatrick
Michael Lewis
Colleen Lingle
Susan and Tracy Little
Sarah Parks
Mary Lou and John Sion
Jane Russell
Pam and Jerry Treadwell
Gay and John Van Osdall
Leisa Velasco
Sandra Willingham
In Memory of John Austin
Kirby Simmons

In Memory of William Frank Ayres
Susan Adler
Marc Bateman
Susan and Norm Creech
Joyce and Mike Harris
Terry Hausner  
Fritzi Hines        
Mary Ann and John Kajander    
Robin and Charles Manes        
Janet and Paul McClung
Sonia and Radal Miller
Ginger Montgomery
Hal Morgan
Beverly and Leonard Murphy
Sharon Musschalik
Susan and Ed Patterson
Mary Lou Pringle
Emilie and Charles Schultz
Janet and Bob Spiker
Emily and Dave Spiker
The Garcia Family
Sandra Van de Graaff
Mary Wilson

In Memory of Dorothy Baker
Colleen Lingle
Susan and Tracy Little
Claire Lutey
Phyllis and James Stuckey
Jane and Lance Taylor
In Memory of Paulette Barbles
Lynn Ganschinietz
In Memory of Dorothy Bass
Ron Woliver

In Memory of Don Bates
Jeffrey Bates
Margaret and Leonard Bedell
Kris and Mark Jodon
Diane and Brent Rager
Pam and Jerry Treadwell

In Memory of Jeff Beason
Susan and Tracy Little
In Honor of Margaret and Leonard Bedell
Katherine Bedell

In Memory of Delores Benton
The Fellowship Class
Carrie and Ron Woliver
In Memory of Robert Blair, Jr. 
Henri and Tom Daywood
Thomas Greider
The Moore Family

In Memory of Doug Bogart
Margaret and Leonard Bedell
Jan and Ron Dedeke
Pam Moore
Suzie Gorman Wilson

In Memory of Betsy Bolin
Claire Gavrel

In Honor of Bob Bolling
The Candlelighter's Class

In Memory of Emily Bone
Lisa, Bailey, Madeline, Julia, and Audrey Bone
Andrew Bouffard
Lisa and Gary Clayton
Donna Dawson
Kristi and Keith Herndon
Kris and Mark Jodon
Barbara and Ray Maddy

In Memory of Pat Bridges
Melba and Larry Ainsworth      
Margaret and Leonard Bedell
Marilyn Caul
Diane and Brent Rager
Carrie and Ron Woliver
In Memory of Cathy Holstead-Burk
Michele Appel
Greg Armstrong
Leticia  Benitez
Michael & Janet Bennett
Liz and Lee Butler
James Chriesman
Ivy and Tex Corley
Donna  Dawson
NaDean and Rodney Eads
Julianne and Richard Eichler
Lesha and Tom Elsenbrook
Marty and Roger Ethridge
The Fellowship Class
John Freud
The Gibson Family
Nina Hanks
Shirley and Ed Hanslik
James Hart
Janis and Randy Henry
Judy and Michael Herrrmann
Judy Whaley Hershberger
Joan and Kevin Hodges
Mary Jane and Jay Holm
Kelly and Gary Horn
Jan Ligon
Donna and Michael Lowther
Peggy and Thomas Luthy
Deanna and Brad Mauritzen
The Mills Family
Angela  Minas
John Morrow
Diane and Brent Rager
Sam Houston Area Council, BSA
Patricia and Phillip Schraub
Sisters in Christ Wednesday Bible Study
Suzanne and Alan Stahlman
Susan and Winton Starling
Clay Williams
Elyana York

In Memory of Reedie Marie Carson
Margaret and Leonard Bedell
Stewart and Janie Mosman
Rita Thomas
In Memory of Donald "Don" Cheatham
Margaret and Leonard Bedell

In Memory of Ray Chilton
Helen and Joe Allen
Megan Austin
Geni Ayars
Margaret and Leonard Bedell
Patsy Brooks
Suzy Burleson
Marilyn Caul
Sidney And Jean Cecil Conger Living Trust
Judy Creveling
Jan Earl Droegemeyer
First Baptist Church of Rockport
Janessa Glenn
Martha and Moulton Goodrum, Jr.
Ann Green
Marion and John Heldenfels
Sue and Bruce  Hendrickson
Ginger and Ed Holland
The Lyell Family
Dinah McClymonds
Gary Olander
Riley, Darlene, Weston, & Walker Rhodes
Alice Sallee
Sue Sikes
Judy and Cole Thomson
Mrs. Tom Turner
Carrie and Ron Woliver
In Memory of Adrian Combs
Claire Gavrel
In Honor of Karen and Gus Comiskey
Melissa and Kenny Baldwin

In Memory of Cynthia Conklin
Kristen and James Jordon

In Memory of Barbara Cox
Candlelighter’s Class

In Memory of Clyde Cox
The Candlelighter’s Class
In Memory of Patsy Craton
Colbert Wilhite
In Memory of Cherrel Crouch

Claire Gavrel

In Honor of Jane Page Crump
Peggy Edwards

In Memory of Greg Cubbison
Margaret and Leonard Bedell

In Memory of Dr. Pete Dalton
Matthew Roorda
In Memory of Bill Davis II
Colleen Lingle
In Memory of Terry Wesley Davis
Margaret and Leonard Bedell
Victor Burk
Emily and Tim Davis
Pamela Davis
Harman Walker
In Honor of Noel Denison
Candlelighter’s Class
In Memory of Annette Duggan
Carrie and Ron Woliver
In Memory of Linda Dunham
Colbert Wilhite

In Memory of Gary Edwards

Sylvia Adkins
Margaret and Leonard Bedell
Felicia Broussard
Annie and Will Bullock
Marilyn Caul
William Chiles
Kathy and Bob Christy
Jane Page Crump
Karen and Hank Dixon
Glenda Dole
Margaret and Charles Dunagan
Linda and Robert Egan
Debbie and Gary Gibson
Donna and Mark Greek
Kristi and Keith Herndon
Loma and Bill Hobson
Sue Howe
Annette Huff
Jane and Dick Humphreys
Hunter/Lian/Buck Family
Sandra Kelly
David and Judith Kem
Sherry and Jim Kitchell
Janet Longhoffer
Cheryl Maddox
Susan and Neil McLaurin
Mary Kay and Richard Moen
Jerry Moher
Pam Moore
Chris and John Ogren
Jo Ann Petersen
Jilly and Allyn Risley
Pat and Mac Shuford
Charles Smith
John and Mary Taylor
Bill Thompson
Pam and Jerry Treadwell
Irven Wagner
Lynda Walsh
Kay and Tom Whitman
Colbert Wilhite
Carrie and Ron Woliver

In Honor of Peggy Edwards
Margaret and Leonard Bedell
Jean Jensen

In Memory of Jackson Fulweber
Colleen Lingle

In Memory of Carol Gilliland
Betty Bellamy

In Memory of Ernest Hall
Barbara Donald
Mize Family
Claire Medlenke
In Memory of Cindy Haraughty
JoDell Whitehead

In Memory of Janice Harsh
Mary Ann Blank
Sharon and Dean Pettigrew
Martha and Terry Sabom
Grace and Jeremiah Upshaw
Welch Farms
In Memory of Doris Henley
Laura Whitnel

In Memory of Annette Henry
Kay and Bob Boling
The Collier Family
Marilyn Griffin
Janice Miller
In Memory of Valerie Higgins
Margaret and Leonard Bedell
Peggy Edwards
Pam and Jerry Treadwell

 In Memory of Jack Hillman
Margaret and Leonard Bedell
Trisha Hillman
Barbara Powell
Colbert Wilhite

In Memory of Chuck Hogue
Claire Gavrel

In Memory of Dike Howe
Sue Howe

In Honor of Sue Howe
Jean Jensen

In Memory of Kathy Huddleston
Lisa and Peter Currie
Glenda Dole
Janet Douglas
Marie Hall
Shari Provenzano
Carrie and Ron Woliver
In Memory of Jack Hughey
 Cheryl Turner
In Memory of Sandra Humphrey
 Margaret and Leonard Bedell
 Annie and Will Bullock
 In Memory of James Jackson
 Claire Gavrel
 In Memory of Jerre Jackson
Claire Gavrel

In Honor of Jim Jackson
Janet Meador-Pate
 Susan Patterson

 In Memory of Bill Jensen
Jean Jensen

In Honor of Jennifer Johnson
 Michael Cox
 In Memory of Karen Keagan
Leslie and Mary Ann Stessel

In Memory Monica Kuykendall
 Deborah and Wayne Culver
 Colbert Wilhite
 Carrie and Ron Woliver
 Annette and Wayne Young
  In Memory of Gordon Laird
Carol Hebert
The Candlelighters Class
  In Memory of Bob Larkins
 Margaret and Leonard Bedell
 Colleen Lingle
 Debra Nordmeyer
 Gayle Quinsenberry
 In Memory of James Leahy
 Harlan Bergen
 Ann Bradford
 Carol Ferguson
 Tim Johnson
 Helen Leahy
 Lori and Jeffrey Londa
 Nancy and Don McGuirt
 Christine and John Spalding
 In Memory of Jeffrey Limmer
 Margaret and Leonard Bedell
 Kevin Knight
 Emily Jo and Douglas Momary
 Mrs. Lila Quilici
 Pam and Jerry Treadwell
 Elizabeth Walker
 Colbert Wilhite
  In Honor of Tracy Little
 Pam Moore
In Honor of Bob Lindsey
Margaret and Leonard Bedell

In Memory of Donald Marrs
Colleen Lingle
Sue Marrs and Family
In Honor of Neil Martin
Candlelighter’s Class
 In Memory of Ninan Mathew
 Sushila Mathew

  In Memory of Guy Matthews
Sherryl Durkee

In Memory of Jack McCants
Candlelighter’s Class

In Memory of Dick McCasland
Nancy Batt
Margaret and Leonard Bedell
Kathie and Arlen Fehner
Susan and John Gaynor
Marlyce and Merrell Goolsby
Sue Krueger
Lois Patterson
Roslyn and Hilmer Potcinske
Diane and Brent Rager
Pam and Jerry Treadwell
Nancy and Ken Wiech
In Memory of David McDuffie
Hilshire Village Civic Club
Debbie and Frank Jones
Diane and Brent Rager

In Memory of Paul McGarry
 Carole McGarry
 In Memory of Sandra McHenry
Donna and Mark Dawson

In Memory of Pat Medors
Carrie and Ron Woliver

In Memory of Germaine Phillips Miller
 June Morris
 In Memory of Ben Morris
Barbara and Robert Collie
Gary Glesby
In Memory of Harriett Morrow
Claire Gavrel

In Memory of Lee Noel
Margaret and Leonard Bedell
Fellowship Class
Colbert Wilhite
In Memory of Ruth Nordmeyer
Candlelighter's Class
Donna Dawson
Robert Larkins
In Memory of Helen O’Keefe
Candlelighter's Class
Margaret and Leonard Bedell
Carolyn Keeble
In Memory of Ronald Pate
The Pate Family

In Memory of Ed Patterson
 Tammy Butts
 Virginia and Jack Chandler
 Nelda and Harold Clark
 Hazel and Carleton Cole
 Jodi Donahue
 Pat and Tamie Dyer
 James Eisterhold
 Karol and Kevin Frost
 Shawn Frost
 Ellen and Frank Gittess
 Barbara and Carl Henry
 Joan and Kevin Hodges
 Mary and Edward Holm
 Charles Jacobs Jr.
 Teri and Jeff Lee
 Teresa and Paul Nornes
 Susan Patterson
 Lois Patterson
 Courtney Peters
 Debra and Steven Peters
 Diana and Bruce Peters
 Sandra and Robert Pfaffenberger
 Gail and Patrick Prather
 Scott Spencer
 Pamela and Steven Stone
 Sissel and Paul Thorsen
 Pam and Jerry Treadwell
 Marjorie Wichmann
 In Memory of Joella Perkins
Deborah and Ross Bridwell
Colleen Lingle
Tonya and Dean McCormick
Mary and Richard Moen
Stephen Mowrey
L. Guiton and Donna Ragsdale
Carrie and Ron Woliver
In Memory of Judy Perkins
 Rita and Paul Morico
 In Memory of Carroll Wynn Phillips
Hester and David Anders
Margaret and Leonard Bedell
Ann and Keith Booth
Leslie and John Brittian
Dee and Al Coats
Saza and Dudley Dobie, Jr.
Cynthia and Robert Greager
Pamela and Taylor Hicks
Sam Holman
Ellen Homan
Jeanne and Frank Ingraham
Neisa and Brent Janner
Ada and Howard Kiatta
Dorothy Kilpatrick
Colleen Lingle
Diane and John North
Elizabeth and Charles Orihel
Paul Peacock
 Merita Paker
 Thomas Palmisano
 Grace Phillips
 Gerry and Larry Snider
Karen and Frank Steininger
The Candlelighter's Class
Carrie and Ron Woliver

In Honor of Laura Ragsdale
June Levy

In Memory of Cynthia Ramsey
The Jared Family

In Memory of Heather Mitchell Rayburn
Rebecca and Giles Rayburn

In Memory Mark Roberts
Donna and Rick McDowell
 Lauren and David Murphy

In Honor of Teresa Rossy
Candlelighter’s Class
In Memory of Chandra Samuelsen
 Elinar Samuelsen
In Memory of Wanda Sanders
Claire Gavrel

In Honor of Cynthia Schoonover
The Candlelighters Class
In Memory of Mary Ann Schroeder
 Pam and Jerry Treadwell
 In Memory of Ed Schulz
 Mary Kay Allen
 Bibbi and Tom Anderson
 Cindy Blasingame
 Chip, Ron-Alyse, Ramsey, and Carsyn Cammerer
 Janice Davis
 Whitney Gormley
 Liz and Mike Hartwig
 Jill and Phil Hayes
 Ralph Hull
 Brenda Jacobe
 Catherine Justice
 Colleen Lingle
 Melinda and Bob Livingston
 Elizabeth and Jack Lyons
 Marilyn and Jonathan McEvoy
 Thomas Meagher Jr.
 Lynn Mercer
 Cathy and Ronald Ramsey
 Julie Richardson
 Richard Allen Schubert
 Stephanie and Gavin Smith
 Cade, Zane, Kristen, and Sally Walton
  In Honor of Michael Sciretti
The Candlelighters Class

In Honor of Rachel Sciretti
Candlelighter’s Class

In Honor of Elaine Scott
Candlelighter’s Class
In Memory of Josephine Smith
 Clay Hightower
 In Honor of John Stephens
 Wayne Andrews
 In Memory of Todd Stewart
Sara Bould
Nancy Epley
Hickory Ridge Neighbors
Allison Knotsman
Christine LaFollette
Robert Orzechowshki, Jr.
Betty and Robert Schrock
Shari Provenzano

In Memory of Doyle Stuckey
 Patricia and James Banfill
 Margaret and Leonard Bedell
 Luanne and Charles Burton
 Marilyn Caul
 Becky Chapman
 Deborah and Wayne Culver
Dr. Thomas and Sandra Hedrick
 Jacki Lammert
 Kathy and Bob Overman
 Susan and Ed Patterson
 Ina Perlman
 Patricia Pogue
 Mary Lynn and Kelly Rushing
 Jane and Lance Taylor
 J Coy Wheeler
 Colbert Wilhite
 Carrie and Ron Woliver
 In Memory of Kelly Taff
Jane Page Crump
Sara and Phil Hawk
Mary and Jimmy Lindsey

In Memory of Kathy Taylor
Fellowship Class

In Memory of David Tibbs
Candlelighter's Class
Geraldine and Doug Neva

In Memory of Bob Tubbs
Lisa and Gary Clayton
The Candlelighters Class
Pam and Jerry Treadwell

In Memory of Linda Ursprung
 Melissa and Kenny Baldwin
In Memory of Tom Walker
Julia Anne and Jeffrey Rawson
Suzie Gorman Wilson

 In Memory of Bobby Wall
 Carol Paddock
In Memory of Betty Westenfelder
Hillshire Village Civic Club
Diane and Brent Rager

In Memory of Wally White
Jo White

In Honor of Nancy Wiech
 Judy and Carl Sandlin
In Honor of Kelly Williams
Margaret and Leonard Bedell

In Memory of Lacy Holmes Williams
 Victor Burk
In Honor of Andrew Wolfe
Candlelighter’s Class

In Memory of Richard Worthen
Nat Degges

In Memory of John Yard
 Marilyn Caul
 Al Martinez
 Susan and Ed Patterson
 Diane and Brent Rager
The following list of individuals made contributions to specific endowed funds.  
To the Foundation’s General Funds
Lisa Baltagi
Lisa and Griff Bandy
Margaret and John Burns
Jane Page Crump
Karen Dixon
Carol and Rocky Duckworth
Peggy Edwards
Donna and Mark Greek
Rachel Morico Hanson
Carol and Jerry Hill
Joan and Kevin Hodges
Julie and Stuart Jackson
Pam and Bob Leibrock
Mauri and Bond McCall
Chuck Miller
Mary Kay and Rich Moen
Susan and Larry Pain
Ann and Terry Radney
Anne and David Rae
Amy Richardson
Jill and Allyn Risley
Rita and Wick Stuckey
 Jerry Wall

To the Cornerstone Fund
Emily and Tom Davis
Colleen Lingle
June Morris
To Community Outreach
Barbara Armstrong
Nell Auchter
Kay and Bob Boling
Victor Burk
Eloise and Tom Byrd
Gay and Tim Conner
Deborah and Wayne Culver
Henri and Tom Daywood
Thomas Greider
Nita and Doug Heard
Brenda Jacobe
Colleen Lingle
Susan and Ed Patterson
Shari Provenzano
The Cammerer Family
The Collier Family
The Hickory Ridge Neighbors
The Moore Family
Barbara Upchurch
Sandra Willingham

To Global Outreach
Barbara Armstrong
Mary Ann and Charles Crocker
Anita Griffin
Joan and Kevin Hodges
Jacki Lammert
Kathie and David Luther
Sushila Matthew
Pam Moore
Susan and Ed Patterson
Lynn and Robert Riley
Matthew Roorda
Ron and Sandra Yates

To The Music Fund
Susan Adler

To The Scholarship Fund
Judy Andrew
Barbara Armstrong
Margaret and Leonard Bedell
Beth and Don Black
Victor Burk
Marilyn Caul
Gay and Tim Connor
Lisa and Peter Currie
Pamela Davis
Melissa and Alan Dawson
Nate Degges
Janet Douglas
Peggy Edwards
Sheryl and Mark Fisher
Laurel Garrett
Judy Glasford
Debbie and Britt Hance
Tammy and Tim Heinrich
Dr. Zachary and Anna Hodges
Sue Howe
Jean Jensen
Neice and Kenny Lang
Susan and Tracy Little
Katharine Luther
The Lyell Family
Donna and David Marshall
Tara and Alec Mize
Pam Moore
Rita and Paul Morico
Suzanne and Thomas Musgrove
Janet and Amin Nosrat
Janet Meador-Pate
Susan Patterson
Diane and Brent Rager
Stacey and Kevin Redmond
Karen and Russ Ridgway
Sue Rogers
Judy and Carl Sandlin
Barbara Upchurch
Jo White
Nancy and Ken Wiech
Lillian and Thomas Wilson
Karyl and Charles White
Rob White